One major difference is that single coil pickups create electrical noise, because they act like a small antenna and are susceptible to mains interference and radio. Much could be said about the differences between them, such as the magnetic materials used, the wiring, number of windings and spacing, but for simplicity we’ll focus on the practical differences to be aware of. There are numerous guitar pickup manufacturers out there and literally hundreds of pickups on the market – all of which are based upon these two designs. The two main kinds of electric guitar pickup you’ll encounter are the single coil and the humbucker. On any electric guitar the pickup is mounted under the strings, between the bridge and the start of the fretboard. Guitar pickups are essentially a microphone which responds to the vibration of strings by converting the acoustic energy they create into an electrical signal, which is then sent to an amplifier. Pickup manufacturers normally provide a description of each pickup in their catalog, and most now have recorded samples online. A guitarist’s tone is largely the result of what their fingers are doing and how they physically play their instrument. However, pickup choices do have some bearing, as do the amplifier and the guitar itself. However an experienced player who is looking for specific tones will certainly find it worthwhile. Most guitar players will probably never feel the need to change pickups, and this is fine.

Why Change or Upgrade Your Guitar Pickups?